Neutral Buoyancy Lab - 6.2 Million Gallons H2O.
Inside are mock-ups of International Space Station nodes and the long item is a mock-up of the ISS Truss. The dots on the modules are air holes to prevent the pieces from floating to the surface.
Shown above is the hypobaric Chamber in which we trained to get accustomed to conditions in micro-gravity. We are shown at right geared up for the chamber and are pleased to say that we all successfully completed the requirements for flight.
The NBL employs divers that conduct research and assist the astronauts in their training, physicians that work with the hypobaric chamber tests and training/research activities at NBL, engineers that design and construct the pool facilities and mock-ups, and many other support personnel. There are many exciting career opportunities for Parkisde students at NASA NBL and other NASA facilities.
WOW that thing brings back some memories. Just wait for what lies ahead. The best is yet to come. You guys will love it... remember to have fun too...make sure you make time to flip and look out the window. NO joke... there is nothing like that in the world.
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