Today Mr. Marsh, Mrs. Wagner, and Mrs. Weatherwax ran Parkside's experiment on the microgravity plane. Everything went smoothly and they even had extra time to run some toy experiments and do some interesting activities such as sommersaults, handstands, and the lizard, which is moving in a circle around the walls, floor, and ceiling of the plane. We are pleased with the data that was collected and can't wait to share more detailed information with everyone.
After the flight we had a DLN with the entire Parkside student body and staff. It was so great to see and talk to everyone! Thank you so much to Ron Boyle and Parkside staff for taking the time and effort to bring the students to the assembly! Students, you had such great questions and the people here at NASA were impressed with fact that the whole school came to the DLN. Parkside rocks!! Please check out the link below for more NASA photograhps from today's flight.
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