Friday, February 20, 2009

Chamber Day

Well Mrs. Allen, Mrs. Cantu, and Mrs. Myers survived the Chamber. The three of them had four hours of training where they were scared into all of the possibilities of the things that could happen to them in the Chamber and during flight. They also learned what they need to do to avoid getting sick during the flight. They learned a technique on how to get their ears to pop during flight. This is very important during flight because of the altitude changes. All three teachers had different experiences in the Chamber but all three did very well. While in the Chamber they needed to breathe pure oxygen for thirty minutes through a pilots mask. This allowed their bodies to purge themselves of nitrogen so that they would not develop problems later. The NASA employees then began pumping air out of the Chamber until it thinned out to the equivalent to 25,000 feet. They were then instructed to take off their masks for 5 minutes. The masks could not be off any longer then this due to NASA regulation, because during this time their brains were being deprived of oxygen. They had to take a simple test during this time which as I remember was not that easy. Mrs. Myers said that during that time she felt very happy and giddy. Mrs. Allen said that she was anxious and really hot. She got really dizzy and had to put her mask back on. Mrs. Cantu did not seem to have any problems. They said that a few people from the other teams did not due very well. We think that a few people were not where they were supposed to be again but we are not sure and will have to wait until Monday to find out.

The three were then able to tour the Neutral Buoyancy Lab which is the pool in which astronauts train for space walks. They said there were astronauts training in the pool at one point today.

I think I forgot to tell everyone that I learned yesterday that I am going to be able to fly again this year. I am so excited. Mrs. Myers will be flying on Tuesday with out mentor and Mrs. Allen, Mrs. Cantu and I will be flying on Wednesday.

None of the students in the school district tried to answer my question about the vans yesterday so that prize goes back into the bucket for another day. The vanes are from all of the relief workers that are still here from the hurricane that went through.

Well watch be sure to read what we do over the weekend. We are going to take some trips and will have some interesting pictures posted.

1 comment:

dwagner1 said...

We did not get a chance to check out your blog on Friday since we had our 'healthy appetizer party' on Friday. The day was a bit crazy with activity as you might be able to imagine. So we didn't even know about your triva question. We will be checking in with your blog each day again starting Monday.
You are missing the snow we are getting today. We are supposed to get 3-6 inches and with the way it is snowing now, I believe we might get it all. I know you are probably disappointed to be there in the Texas weather rather than in this lovely Michigan weather...but I know you realize that sacrafices like this were a risk with this opportunity. (can you sense I am a bit green with envy??) :)
What is the flight schedule like to get all those schools up to do their experiments? Is there a post flight DLN planned for our students?
Looking forward to your future blogs.